About us – Company principles

In order to lead and operate our company successfully it is essential to manage and steer it systematically and perceptibly. Quality policy forms the basis of our company principles.

The principles of our company are as follows:

Customer orientation: We are dependent on our customers and must therefore understand their present and future requirements, fulfil their demands and endeavour to exceed their expectations.

Management: Our managers create conformity of purpose and direction of the company. They are to create and maintain the internal environment by fully motivating all employees towards achieving the goals of the company.

Inclusion of all employees: At every level the employees constitute the essence of our company. The complete inclusion of our employees enables the utilisation of their abilities to the good of the company.

Process oriented disposition: A desired result can be efficiently achieved when all our business and associated resources are managed and steered as a process.

System oriented management disposition: A system of recognition, understanding, managing and guiding of each other in correlation contributes towards the effectiveness and efficiency of our company in the achievement of our goals.

Constant improvement: Constant improvement of the entire performance of our company represents a permanent goal.

Relevant disposition to decision making: All effective decisions are based on the analysis of facts and information.

Supplier relationships for mutual benefit: Our Company and our suppliers are dependent on one another. Relationships for mutual benefit increase the added value capacity on both sides.

The required application of the eight principles of quality management by our company results in benefits for interested parties such as e.g., a better financial return, added value and higher stability.
These principles are binding to our company.

The Management


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